July 27, 2022

Cited article by Amnesty International
HRRC supports the proposed resolution for consideration at the UN General Assembly which would recognize the universal right to a safe and healthy environment. Human rights are intrinsically tied to our environment, and as the climate crisis accelerates human rights abuses increase. UN member states must acknowledge the severity of the climate crisis and take steps to ensure the rights of all are supported.
Article Summary
Today, July 28, 2022, the UN General Assembly will be considering a resolution on the universal right to a safe and healthy environment. This resolution is introduced by a diverse set of UN member states, and recognizes the human and financial costs of accelerating climate change, loss of biodiversity, and pollution. Last year, 47 member states on the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution that recognized the universal human right to a clean, safe, healthy and sustainable environment.
A healthy, clean, and safe environment is a prerequisite for all other human rights. Members states will be voting on whether to accept the proposed resolution. Those states that plan to oppose the resolution will be considered by the international community to no longer be credible authorities on any climate-related issues going forward.