September 13, 2022

Cited article by Al Jazeera
HRRC supports freedom of speech and freedom to protest. King Charles III has many opportunities to address and protect the rights of all in the UK, including those who oppose the Royal Family's current role, and who believe that democratic values should be more highly represented.
Article Summary
Many activists and civil liberties groups have challenged the Royal Family during the accession of King Charles III following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Additionally, concerns have been raised over the treatment of these activists by UK police. Many protestors have been arrested by police, with charges of "breaching the peace" or instigating behavior that could cause “harassment, alarm or distress”.
Rights groups have highlighted the importance for freedom of speech in any democracy. With the significant media coverage of the crowning of King Charles III, who was appointed without any public discourse, makes it even more important to allow and protect freedom of speech. The UK Prime Minister Liz Truss's spokesperson made a public statement supporting the right to protest, yet also stated that police have the right to decide what is appropriate in individual circumstances.