April 12, 2022
Cited article by Chinedu Asadu, AP News
HRRC recognizes the necessity of public trials to preserve and protect the human rights of all. While there are situations in which information must remain confidential, generalized statements such as those made in Nigeria endanger the entire judicial process and increase risk of corruption.
Article Summary
Nigeria has started conducting terrorism trials in its courts where both the media and public are banned. This notably began during the trail of the pro-Biafra separatist leader, Nnamdi Kanu. Instead of a generalized statement, activists claim that, by determining whether information should be seen by the public or not should be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Concern is not solely focused on the trial of Kanu. Activists state that there are dozens of individuals being held on terrorism charges who have been imprisoned for years. Without holding public hearings for these terrorism trials, the right to a public trial in itself is challenged. With a blanket order excluding the press and public, public trust in the judicial system weakens.