May 10, 2023

Cited article by Patricia Gossman, Human Rights Watch
HRRC condemns the Taliban's human rights abuses in Afghanistan. Public lashings and executions violate international law and the Taliban must be held to account. Further, the heavy restrictions on the freedoms of women in the country should be removed immediately.
Article Summary
The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) released a report on Monday, May 8th criticizing Afghanistan's Taliban for carrying out public executions, lashings, and floggings with stones since taking power. According to the report, 274 men, 58 women, and two boys were publicly flogged in the past six months. UNAMA also reported 18 cases of corporal punishment, all lashings for "moral crimes". The cases are related to sex outside of marriage, as well as for women and girls “running away” from their homes, often due to domestic violence.
The Taliban's violent actions have been on the rise in recent months. At the same time, the Taliban has gradually tightened restrictions on women, barring them from employment, public spaces, and schools. In response, the Taliban foreign ministry said that "Afghanistan’s laws are determined in accordance with Islamic rules and guidelines". However, corporal punishment such as floggings and executions go against the international Convention Against Torture.