May 4, 2023

Cited article by Reuters
HRRC supports the findings by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in its investigation of human rights violations in Peru. The government and its forces must respect protestors' rights and be held accountable for the massacre of the demonstrators. Further, President Boluarte must be thoroughly investigated for her actions in the ousting of former President Castillo.
Article Summary
In a report compiled by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), it was found that Peru security forces committed numerous human rights violations, using excessive force and killing at least 60 protestors in anti-government protests in December 2022. The protests broke out following the ousting of then-President Pedro Castillo by police and soldiers, and replacing him with now-President Dina Boluarte. IACHR launched an investigation in January 2023, meeting with relatives of victims, government officials, and civil society representations.
IACHR reported that many people in the Andean regions of Ayacucho and Puno were killed and injured by gunfire and claims the violations amount to massacre. President Boluarte rejects the claims made by IACHR, but stated that "they could have happened." Peru's attorney general also opened an investigation against Boluarte, along with three of her ministers, on charges of genocide, homicide and serious injuries.