August 3, 2022

Cited article by UN News
HRRC supports and recognizes the necessity for freedom of the press, which is a critical component in promoting human rights. The actions taken to restrict and prevent journalists from conducting their jobs freely in Cambodia must end and efforts be made to increase equal representation among the press.
Article Summary
In a recent report, the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner found that journalists in Cambodia are facing increasing restrictions to freedom of the press. In interviews with 65 journalists, all stated they faced some form of interference in their work, with 80% stating they were put under surveillance or faced disproportionate/unnecessary restrictions. These findings were identified through examining the legal framework, media ownership, and certain challenges faced by women media workers in the country.
The report also notes that press freedom is particularly important for elections. The information provided by press are vital for voters to inform themselves about issues and the candidates stances on these issues. The report provides 15 recommendations on how Cambodia can improve the growing issues facing press freedoms; among these include being more inclusive by hiring more female journalists and dropping cases against journalists who were exercising their right to expression.