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Planned Media Coverage of Beijing Olympics Should be Canceled

The Hill

September 8, 2021

[Image Source: © Getty Images]

Cited article by Dominick Mastrangelo, The Hill

HRRC's Response:

Major media broadcasters globally are being called on by a coalition of human rights organizations to refuse to provide coverage for the Beijing Olympics planned for February 2022. The Beijing Olympics are widely being referred to as the 'Genocide Games', due to the high risk of the events sport-washing the ongoing human rights crimes taking place in China.

Specifically, any media outlet that benefits from public funds should not provide coverage of these Olympics. If media outlets go ahead with plans to broadcast the Olympics, they risk being complicit in China utilizing the events to cover-up and distract from their human rights crimes. This would further legitimize these abuses as well as motivate the Chinese authorities.

HRRC joins the many human rights organizations in calling for media outlets to not broadcast the Beijing Olympics. China's human rights violations cannot be overlooked or disregarded.

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